"Check it out! This product is definitely gonna correct anything that's wrong with your playing!"
Daniel de los Reyes
Zac Brown Band

"ToneAlly = Practice Made Perfect!"
Gary Wallis
Pink Floyd

"I'm planning to kick off my own drum tuition, and your invention will play a massive part, in establishing the solid foundations and fundamentals of my students.
So I'd just like to say thank you for inventing and introducing this practicing system to the world!"
Adam Sayers
Drummer, UK

"I had the opportunity to try the ToneAlly product and was very impressed. This is a fun idea for students to learn precise movement in all hand positions! It guides you to be aware of muscle memory for your hands and teaches accuracy. I wish I had this when I was first learning!"
Dom Famularo
Drumming's Global Ambassador
As a Music teacher, I know how important it is to use the correct technique from the very start in order to fulfil your potential on any instrument. This is an excellent product for helping you to do just that. All drum kits should come with one of these, but, until then, all drum teachers should!
(Michelle, As a Music teacher, I know how important it is to use the correct technique from the very start in order to fulfil your potential on any instrument. This is an excellent product for helping you to do just that. All drum kits should come with one of these, but, until then, all drum teachers should!
Michelle Matthews
Music Teacher, Chicago, IL, USA

I just wanted to say what a great idea this is. As a player and teacher I can really see the advantages of this!
Stuart Addison
Drum Teacher, UK

My ToneAlly has made a massive difference to my drumming already and I really felt it at the gig, if anyone needs a Christmas present for a drummer then look no further. Its amazing how quickly it has a positive impact on your playing! Brilliant Tony x
It's Amazing!
Danny Allinson

"I can't believe there hasn't been anything like this on the market before. It's exactly what drummers need!"
Alex Holmes

Fantastic product! It looks great and Will be a great tool to use!
Tony Tuddenham
Kulturstationen Music School, Sweden

"I've had the students on it all day yesterday! I love it. A full day of rudiments! Aha. Great little invention buddy, I haven't put it down since Saturday!"
Sean Ruck Drums
South Wales UK Drum Teacher

"Hi Anthony great to meet you and thanks for the fantastic product you've produced. Many greetings to you. Mel."
Mel Gaynor

Hi Tony,
Here's three of my thoughts on your pad.
This is an excellent training aid, ideal for addressing existing issues or just promoting good habits.
Bad sticking technique can have long term health implications, and when get there, it's too late.
This promotes efficient stick movent, resulting in less wasted energy, ultimately giving the player a higher dynamic range.
Good luck
Doug Jenkinson (U.K. drummer, drum teacher)
Doug Jenkinson
UK Drum Teacher

I like it!
Thomas Lang

Wow! It's good for your discipline. A great way to channel your stick heights and line of stroke. I've had mine on the kit less than an hour and already i LOVE it.
Craig Blundell